ديفـال مستـراح
And God has the ability to cum over anything and anyone
جمعه، خرداد ۲۱، ۱۳۸۹
practical philosophy 32
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Anonymous ناشناس said...
هیچیم نیستیم اقلاً یکم زندگیمون متنوع بشه.اه

Anonymous ناشناس said...
moshkel ineke ke chi hastim?:D:D:D

آقا ما خيانت هم كرديم همين شديم كه هستيم
شايد اين هم در نوع خودش يه جور بدبختي باشه نه؟

found you there.
smooth.green.like a knight in a battle.
i liked ur writings dear.
wish u another day to breath the dirty air,i would like to like ya.
awaiting for the reply.